Thursday, July 8, 2010

Photo Update: Chile Disaster Relief

Below are photos of our Save The Waves team at work in Chile in late June and early July 2010, as they provide relief aid for fishermen, farmers and local coastal residents who survived the devastating 8.8 earthquake and tsunami of February 27. Complete news & detailed update coming soon at >>

Pichilemu fisherman & new nets from Save The Waves grant. (Click on photos to enlarge)

Cobquecura fisherman working nets from Save The Waves.

Cobquecura greenhouse built for women entrepreneur flower growers.

Pichilemu boat repaired by Save The Waves grant.

Amigos and fishermen in Constitucion - nets, boat engines and tsunami-damaged pier all repaired with Save The Waves grants.

Work crew for the beach at Constitucion's tsunami ground zero.

Trash from the beach in Constitucion.

STW Constitucion coordinator Sergio Pocha Salas at a beach cleanup with the Chilean Army.

Post-tsunami beach cleanup.

Fishermen, students, beaches and homes are recovering but there is still a lot of relief work to do. All photos in this post by Philip Muller and Bob Esponja.