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I was told not to call this region Spain - it's the Basque Country to many; and it's the ideal location for a great film festival. Angel Marin and I launched our documentary Pulp, Poo and Perfection this week at the San Sebastián Surfilm Festibal to a crowd of environmentalists, surf industry executives and curious tourists. "PP&P" was shown along with Christopher Cutri's reflective meditation on the surf industry, "Riding the Wave", at the San Sebastián Aquarium on the opening day of the festival.
Note: this film will be a free download online in August 2007.

Tapas with a shallow glass of vino tinto two finger-widths deep; muggy hot mornings and pouring rain in the afternoon; European sunset at 10pm; cobblestone and car-free streets packed with Basque political rallies below thunderous lightning striking the offshore ocean waters and church bells ringing in the background; proudly stoic Basque separatists and their prominent chins mostly hidden under dark beards... these are a few of my favorite San Sebastián things.

At the movie premier I also spoke at a roundtable discussion entitled, "Sustainability and the Surf Industry," along with 5 other environmental and industry representatives. Our general conclusion?
The surf industry and environmental groups must overcome their differences and work together to fight larger corporate polluters and lead the way in sustainably produced, environmentally friendly products. Unity and positive action must result NOW! C'mon, let's put aside our egotistical differences and slaughter this fat ugly cow called "industry & sustainability."
In August 2007 this entire 15-minute documentary will be available on youtube.com and as a free online download.
Watch the NEW TRAILER to Pulp, Poo & Perfection: